She's on Fire

Breaking Free from Your Comfort Cocoon: Embracing Fear and Unleashing Your Potential

Jen Gaines Season 2 Episode 25

Ever battled that nagging fear of standing out, fearing judgment, criticism and rejection? You're not alone. I'm Jen Gaines, your guide in this fascinating journey where we pierce those fears and step boldly out of our comfort cocoons. Together we'll unmask the power of shifting your mindset from fear to opportunity, from cocooned safety to the exhilarating world of successful entrepreneurship. I'll share with you my personal story of battling imposter syndrome and low confidence. By acknowledging and celebrating our wins, we'll break free from societal conditioning and boost our confidence. 

You are on the brink of unleashing your true potential and transforming procrastination into powerful action. Let's explore this journey together, take small steps, and watch as they build into a staircase of confidence. Remember, each step takes us closer to our dreams. I'll be here to support you, share my experiences and provide inspiration. We'll discuss the significance of having a supportive community and the role it plays in reaching new heights. Be prepared to embrace discomfort as a sign of growth and step boldly into your dreams. Let's end this episode with a challenge: identify a small step you can take to start breaking free from your comfort cocoon. Ready for the journey? Let's go.

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Speaker 1:

All right, hey there, welcome back to the She's on Fire podcast, dedicated to helping women break free from their fears, bring out that fierce woman inside and build successful online businesses. I'm your host, jen Gaines, and today we are going to be diving into a topic that's absolutely crucial for your journey as an entrepreneur. All right, stepping out of your comfort cocoon. I know a lot of people call it the comfort zone, but I've always said it's the comfort cocoon because it kind of keeps you wrapped up and feeling safe, right. So you know, as women, we often, often find ourselves trapped. You know, within the confines of these comfort cocoons, of your comfort zone, whatever you want to call it right, we're conditioned from growing up that we need to be polite and modest and and really play it safe and not be too loud and not be too much and not be too this and too that. Right, but here's the truth. Here's the truth. There is no way to have a thriving, successful business without breaking free from that cocoon of comfort. All right, those two worlds you know being really successful and being in a comfort cocoon where you're safe, you don't have to fear things, you know you're being polite, you're not stepping out. Those two worlds don't go hand in hand. All right, they don't work together as hard as that is to hear and to understand.

Speaker 1:

So let's really talk about the fear of standing out. Many women struggle with this because they worry about what others are going to think. I struggled with this for a long time. They fear judgment, criticism, rejection. But here's the thing I want you to really know In order to create a business that truly stands out, you have to really be willing to embrace your uniqueness and really let your voice be heard and shine your light brightly. So how do we overcome this fear? I'm not going to say it's easy, okay. I'm not going to sugarcoat it and say, oh, it's just so easy. Just, we'll overcome it and feel fear and do it anyway, right? No, it's not easy, but it's worth it, and it really starts with shifting your mindset. So, instead of viewing something out you know, sorry instead of viewing standing out as something to be feared, see it as an opportunity for growth and success. Right, because really that's where growth happens. When you stand out, when you put yourself out there, when you come out of that comfort cocoon, when you look at it as an opportunity for growth, as an opportunity to be successful, you make that mindset shift. You need to remember that the world needs to hear what you have to offer. You have a unique perspective, skills and talents. We need to get you apart from other people because none of us are the same. We don't all have the same experiences And even if we have a similar experience, you've experienced it in a different way, from your own unique perspective. So you absolutely have very unique experiences to offer this world.

Speaker 1:

So let's talk about the issue of low confidence, because I had very low confidence at one time. I know a lot of my clients have too. You can fix that. You can work on that. Imposter syndrome can creep in and really make us doubt ourselves, our abilities, our worthiness, and this can happen. You can have a million-dollar business, a multi-million-dollar business. That can still creep in at times. It's what you do in those times and the mindset shifts that you make that are going to help you be successful.

Speaker 1:

Confidence isn't something that you're just born with. It's really something that you cultivate. Stepping out of your comfort cocoon is an act of courage. It's not an act of confidence. It's actually an act of courage. And each step you take will build the confidence. So you've got to start by acknowledging your accomplishments and really celebrating your wins. I talk about this with my clients all the time. They don't even have to be these huge, big wins, but every day celebrate a win, even if they seem really small. When you affirm your wins, that helps to increase your confidence.

Speaker 1:

And I always say this Surround yourself with supportive community of like-minded people. All right, this is your abundance team, let's say, who can lift you up and really remind you of your greatness, especially if something is going wrong, especially if you have that imposter syndrome seeping into your brain. If you surround yourself with like-minded people, if you surround yourself with a community of people who are after the same journey, doing the same things, they're going to know what it feels like. And I want you to remember it's okay to feel uncomfortable. I know nobody wants to feel uncomfortable. I know nobody wants to feel vulnerable, but it's normal. When you step out of that cocoon and you start taking these little steps, it's going to feel uncomfortable Again, reframe that thinking. That uncomfortable feeling is growth. That uncomfortable feeling is growth towards success. The discomfort is a sign that you're growing and pushing yourself to new heights. Embrace it and lean into it. Keep reminding yourself that you have what it takes to succeed. This is why mentorship and again being in a community of people after the same things can help so much.

Speaker 1:

And lastly, i want to just explore the connection between stepping out of your comfort cocoon and really building a thriving business, because in today's age being online, having an online presence is crucial. Doing things that you've never done before online it's crucial. It allows you to have an audience anywhere in the world. Connect with any kind of people in the world. I have clients all over the world. My mentor has clients all over the world. Build a community around your uniqueness, around that personal brand. Building an online business it's going to take risks, it's going to take new strategies and it's going to take putting yourself out there. These actions can feel uncomfortable right at first, but they are essential steps towards building a successful business and you can do it. You can do it. So I really want to challenge you today.

Speaker 1:

I want you to reflect on your comfort cocoon and identify just a small step that you can take today to start breaking free from it. It could be sharing a story online, sharing your origin story online. Where have you been? What have you done? Where are you at now. Maybe it's reaching out to a potential collaborator. That could be scary, right. That could be something that stretches you outside that, but it's also something that's going to help you grow. So think about the little things that you can do right now, today and tomorrow, and then the next day, and keep stepping out further and further and further so you continue to grow.

Speaker 1:

Less lies just beyond that comfort cocoon. It's really where you're going to find your true potential. It's where you're going to find your growth and really your path to fulfilling yourself and having that thriving online business that you really want. So get after it now. Don't wait, don't procrastinate. Today is the best day to start, and I hope that you found these insights valuable. I hope you find them inspiring And I want you to remember you have the power to overcome your fears and step boldly into those dreams that you want. If you enjoyed this episode, if you found it helpful, please subscribe to this podcast and leave a review. Your feedback means the world to me. All right, i'll talk to you soon. Bye.