She's on Fire

Unleashing Magnetism to Create Messaging that Converts Fast - Training Day 1

Jen Gaines Season 3 Episode 30

This is the Day 1 recording of a powerful training I did in my free community.

Prepare to unlock the powerhouse combination of strategy, energetics, and mindset that's essential for not just meeting, but smashing your business goals. Think you know the ropes? We're here to show you how commitment to both free and paid training can skyrocket your income, revealing the often misunderstood truth that business magnetism is a skill you can master. Forget the cookie-cutter advice; we're diving into how to cultivate a mindset that works in tandem with your strategies, smoothing out the kinks in your sales flow and setting you up for success.

This episode isn't just about talking shop; it's about revolutionizing the way you work with the game-changing practice of journaling. I'll share why turning pages can turn your business around, taking you from mundane to magnetic. Plus, get a sneak peek at our next session where we'll dissect the anatomy of messaging that draws people in like a magnet. Your voice matters, so stir up the comments with your burning questions, and let's fuel a future Q&A that will leave you poised to harness the power of strategic communication. Get ready to transform your business with insights that will have you not just reaching but exceeding those lofty aspirations.

If you'd like to get the complete training - GO HERE

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the she's On Fire podcast. I'm your host, jen Gaines. I'm a mom, wife and serial entrepreneur with a serious passion for helping women uplevel their lives. I went from having barely any confidence and broke to bringing out a fierce fire inside of me and crushing my goals. If you're a woman who's motivated to follow your dreams, find that fire inside of you, stand up, stand out and be freaking fierce in your life and business, then tune in, because I'm going to bring you all things marketing and mindset with a no BS approach proven to help you crush your goals and uplevel your life. Okay, let's go. So welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, okay. Who wants to truly Welcome? Welcome, okay, who wants to truly, truly crush it in your business and make real money? Okay, I do, I do Right.

Speaker 1:

First, I wanna get something straight as we go through this. Okay, both days aren't gonna be that long, but I am gonna send out an email to give you guys some more stuff, so it's more tips and some more information, so that way you can kind of start moving forward, ok, so I want to get one thing straight first, though this is obviously it's a free training, right. Yes, I want you to treat it like it's not all right, because a lot of times, I see people who come into free trainings and then they just don't do anything with it. All right, here's the thing. My knowledge is worth boatloads it really is and so I want you to consume this training like you've paid me $500 for it. We'll just use $500 as the amount. Okay. I want you to envision yourself going on a checkout page, plugging in your card and hitting save my spot and actually paying for this training. Let's pretend, do some visualization. It actually works Because, quite honestly, this training could change everything for you if you let it All right at it. All right.

Speaker 1:

So if you follow me or if you've been around a while, you know that I'm all about strategy and energetics, mindset, right? People roll their eyes a lot when I say mindset. Last week, I talked about messaging and mindset being married together. You can't have one without the other. I'm not going to go into this again. You can't have one without the other, right? Or it creates a really shitty marriage. There's friction and, in turn, there's friction and, in turn, sales don't flow in. That's the problem. When, when people just work on strategy, when they're just like okay, I'm gonna get my content. Strategy. I'm gonna get my you know my funnels, whatever sales. It doesn't work. You're not gonna get the sales that you truly want if your mind, if your head, isn't in it. It's absolutely crucial to work on both things. It is absolutely crucial. It is on both things. It is absolutely crucial. It is critical.

Speaker 1:

Code red status okay, today we're going to talk about the energetics and as much as some of you roll your eyes about that because I know you want strategy, you want to learn how to create the messaging. Everybody wants to make bank and think that that's what's going to do it. One more strategy right, guess what? If you're not working on the energetics, if you're not stepping into being magnetic yourself, sales are going to be really hard. Magnetic yourself, sales are going to be really hard.

Speaker 1:

And when I say stepping into being magnetic, I know for some that feels scary. Okay, I know it does. I've heard people say, oh, I could never be magnetic. And the problem with that statement is if you're saying it or thinking it or just being like. When I say you need to step into being magnetic and you're like, you probably don't know what magnetic is and most likely you're one of the ones that needs to truly look at the energetics of your business, of your life, and truly put some effort into this area. Here's the thing Anyone, anyone I will repeat it again Anyone can become magnetic, and when you do that, it shows up in your messaging, the strategy which we're going to talk about tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

But these two things go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. So let's think for a second people that you see online who are crushing it in their businesses. There's something about them. They make you want to move. They make you see what could be possible for you. They speak with conviction and belief. This is magnetism. But I'm willing to bet that you probably make up stories about these people that they're naturally like it. Right that they were born like that. They came out that way. They've always been that way. They were the popular girls in school. It's not true. It is not true. It is not true. It is not true.

Speaker 1:

This is a learned skill set, just like riding a bike, just like learning to build a sales funnel, but it actually takes work. Just like riding a bike bike. When you learned to ride your bike, you didn't just get on it and go. Most likely, you probably had to get on it at least a couple of times. Right, just like building a sales funnel. You just don't sit down and build one and boom, it's perfect and sales are coming in. It doesn't work like that. This is a skill set that anybody can learn. Anybody can become magnetic and if you look back at anyone who you now like to consume or they feel magnetic or larger than life or whatever you want to call it and you scroll back way back maybe sometimes not that far back, but for some it's way back you're going to see they didn't start off that way online. You're going to see they didn't start off that way online. Very, very few women that I have ever seen started out with magnetism. They grew it, they worked on it.

Speaker 1:

I love when I get comments like, oh, it's easy for you or oh, I don't believe for a second. You ever lack confidence. I love those comments Because it's like hello, hello. That's because what I do fucking works. My process works, feeling that fear inside of me and, rather than having it be something that stops me, it's something that propels me forward. You can learn to do that as well, and let me tell you how much easier things are when fear is no longer your enemy, but you actually look for things that make you afraid because you know over there on the other side is growth you look for things to make you afraid. How would that feel? How would that change your business? How would it change it? I guarantee you could. 5x or 10x or 100x the amount of money that you bring in, because you're looking for things that make you afraid and you do them, rather than doing things like the busy work, procrastination, working on your website to try to get it just so, looking for the perfect pink or the perfect purple or perfect blue for your logos or branding. You move yourself.

Speaker 1:

Tomorrow, we're going to be talking about the strategy of magnetic messaging, but in order to step into becoming magnetic and create that magnetic messaging because you can't create magnetic messaging if you are not willing to be magnetic yourself these things go hand in hand. In order to do that, you're going to have to take some responsibility. I talked about this previously, but it's absolutely critical to do this, to do this. So today I want you to start taking a small step towards making a radical shift. Okay, in my Unleash program, the first week is about radical shifts and we shift quickly when we begin. We don't want to be stuck in the same place for months and months just working on energetics. Working on energetics because I want you to make money. So we make radical shifts quickly. We move.

Speaker 1:

The first step in this is looking at yourself from the outside, not from you inside. Yet Take a step back and look at the way that you show up. Do you speak with conviction and belief that you can help people? Do you really feel that? If you don't, it's okay. I want you to understand that we make shifts to get there. It's okay. I want you to understand that we make shifts to get there. But you have to be honest with yourself.

Speaker 1:

The reason why most women don't get to six figures or be on in their business is they're afraid. They're afraid it's not about strategy. 99% of the time it's not about strategy. Strategy is actually the easier part of things. But if you really truly want to create an online business that makes you money, that makes you six figures I'm not even going to say that just pays your bills, because I don't want that I want you to enjoy life, but if you really want to do that, you're going to need to become magnetic. You're going to have to do the energetic work of it. Me just telling you how to create magnetic messaging without the other part, I'm not doing my job for you. I'm not working in integrity because I know me telling you how to write magnetic messaging it's not going to work for you if we don't have your energetics behind it. I keep getting phone calls.

Speaker 1:

Magnetism is not showing up perfect on camera or having the perfect clothes, and I know I see this a lot. So you know a lot of the coaches, even ones that I now follow, who are great at what they do, who are great at what they do. They went from a specific way in life and now you know they're making millions and they're doing different things right, and a lot of times people see them as them now where they're all. You know they have designer clothes and they have, you know, perfect houses and stuff like that, probably because they have a housekeeper, because they can afford it right. All these things that they can get now because of the life they've created, created, not just, you know, fell into, they've created this.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of times what I see are women who are like, well, they're magnetic because look at them, they've got perfect clothes and you know designer handbags and this, and that I want you to understand. You don't have to have all that to become magnetic. I don't wear a bunch of designer clothes and stuff like that. Maybe someday I will I don't know. Like I don't. That is not something I need right now or I want even. There are some things that I like if I can. I don't know if I can hold on something that I you know coaches hold on, like my hot pink watch with the diamonds on it. Okay God, I don't know if you could see that in the camera, but I don't want you to think that you have to be perfect and all put together to be magnetic, because that's not the case, and so too many women are so worried about being perfect on camera, making sure that their kids aren't yelling in the background, making sure they have the perfect curated content and all that kind of stuff, and I get it. I used to be like that, especially when Janelle was really little, and like crying and stuff like that, and I'm like you know, I couldn't go live because she was crying and it was like I finally got to a point where I'm like, no, this is my life. She's part of the reason why I'm building this business. All being all perfect and everything, it's not what's going to build you a six figure business.

Speaker 1:

Being authentic in the way you speak, not caring if you you know, stutter, trip up your words or you know any of it why I used to bark in my videos. I have a video where he farted like I'm not even kidding. Being overly consumed by being perfect is not going to attract people. Being magnetic isn't about the way you look. Showing up, being authentic, yes, having some confidence to show up, which, again, this is what I help people with, right, it's not just a strategy. It's that confidence, it's that conviction, it's the belief. It's not. Being magnetic isn't about what you look like. Magnetic isn't about what you look like.

Speaker 1:

I have heard so many comments like I'm pretty. Right, you may not think I'm pretty, that's fine. I'm just saying I think I'm pretty, but that's not why I attract women to my business. It's my belief and it's the conviction that I speak. It's my vision for them. Being perfect, isn't it? Now? I said this in a TikTok today. I said you know, I don't think you should show up as a slob every day, right, you're a business owner, you've got to dress the part a little bit most days, but it doesn't mean you need to be perfect.

Speaker 1:

So, for today, I want you to step back. I want you to look at yourself, and here's what I want you to do. I want you to write down what you see. Okay, now, this can be hard. You have to be honest with yourself. What do you see? Do you see a confident woman? Do you see somebody who speaks with conviction? Do you see somebody who really believes that they can help other people? Write down what it is you see, looking, stepping back and looking at yourself. There's no right or wrong answer here, but you need to be honest with yourself, because that honesty is what's going to help you start to take these radical shifts forward. Write down what you see. Then I want you to write down what you want to see.

Speaker 1:

How do you want to speak? What are the things that you want to say to your audience? And if you don't have an audience right now, that's okay to your audience. And if you don't have an audience right now, that's okay, let's pretend you do. What are the things that you want to say? How do you want to show up for them? You don't have to show up, like I do. We're different people. You don't have to be no BS or you know anything like that. You get to decide. But how do you want to show up, not how can you show up. There's a difference, okay, there is a difference in that, because if you don't have the confidence right now, if I asked you how can you show up, you're going to have a different answer than if I ask you how do you want to show up?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I want you to like journal this out. It doesn't have to take a long time. I don't like journaling for an hour or anything like that, unless you want to. And it really the stuff that you write down is really going to help you. It's going to help you see yourself, it's going to help you take radical responsibility and it's going to help you start taking radical shifts forward. So that's your homework. It's fun work. Actually, it's not homework. I'm going to call it fun work, because this is really what's going to help you take these moves forward and build the business that you really want to have. And then tomorrow we're going to talk about the actual strategy of building the magnetic messaging, how to do that, the things that you need to look for the things that you need to say, the way that you need to talk in it. Okay, all right, if you have questions, put them in the comments below. I can always do a Q&A. Okay, alright, I'll talk to you later. Bye, bye, thank you.