She's on Fire

Do Annoying Thoughts of Self-Doubt Hold You Back from Crushing Your Goals?

Jen Gaines Season 3 Episode 33

Ever wondered why some people seem to effortlessly overcome fear and imposter syndrome while others remain paralyzed by self-doubt? Today, you're guaranteed to uncover the secrets to transforming doubt and propelling your business journey forward. This episode promises to equip you with the tools to boost your confidence and ignite your motivation, transforming the way you approach challenges.

Join me as we dive into practical techniques that can instantly change your thought patterns, without the need for extensive journaling. Discover how to question your negative assumptions and continually stay motivated by asking, "What if I'm wrong?"

Overcoming fear and imposter syndrome isn't about eliminating these feelings but mastering how to manage them effectively. Listen in and learn how to radically shift your patterns for success and empower your business journey like never before.

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Speaker 1:

All right, welcome back to the she's on Fire podcast. Today we're talking about really empowering your business journey and asking yourself the right questions so you can overcome fear and imposter syndrome. As a business coach as a business empowerment coach I've witnessed firsthand how fear and imposter syndrome can really paralyze even the most talented entrepreneurs. These feelings of self-doubt, inadequacy can really creep in at all levels, no matter how high up you are. People have talked to me about this. I've read stories about it and it's actually so fascinating, All right, it can really hinder progress and stifle people's growth. Now, the difference between a person that lets these things hold them back and the person that pushes through and gets to that next level really lies in reframing the mindset. Okay, so if I told you that the key to overcoming these challenges lies in asking yourself just the right questions, would you believe that? Yourself just the right questions, would you believe that? Would you believe it? I've seen it so many times.

Speaker 1:

All right, when faced with fear and imposter syndrome, our minds often default to the really shitty questions. Right? These are the questions that fuel our doubts and reinforce our insecurities, so they sound like something like what if I fail? Am I good enough? Will people listen to me? What will people think of me? Why would anybody listen to me? You know, why can I not be like her? Right? While these questions may seem natural, they only magnify our fears. So, in order to empower yourself and really move forward, it's essential to shift your focus and ask the right questions instead. These are the questions that are going to challenge your negative assumptions and help instead for you to see your true potential and, in turn, shift your mind, shift your regular thought patterns. So, when a question comes up that is negative, disempowering, up that is negative, disempowering let's change the question instead with a two and more empowering one. So, for example, instead of what if I fail? Ask yourself the question as soon as that starts to come into your mind. Instead, ask yourself no, what if I succeed? What if I succeed? It changes that thought pattern really quickly and makes you start thinking what if I succeed? What are the things that are going to happen if I succeed? Instead of dwelling on the possibility of failure, focus on the potential for success. Visualize what your success looks like, Visualize how it feels, Visualize the way it smells. What are you going to do if you're successful? This shift in perspective can ignite your motivation, your drive and really get you out of stuck.

Speaker 1:

Instead of who would listen to me anyways, ask yourself all right, what skills and strengths can I bring to the table? And we all have them. We all have our unique talents and abilities. Recognize your talents, Recognize your abilities. Reflect on past achievements. Reflect on the things that people say you helped them with when people praise you. Reflect on that. This will reinforce your self-worth and remind you of your capabilities. Think of the things that you're good at. What is it? What skills and strengths do I bring to the table? It's a simple question, just to shift that thought pattern really quickly. Instead of who would listen to me, ask instead who can I help with my expertise? Who can I help with my expertise? That shifts it to looking for that person.

Speaker 1:

Shifting the focus from yourself to your potential impact on others can really diminish self-doubt. Think about the people who will benefit from your knowledge and services. Think about the people who will benefit from your knowledge and services. This can really provide a sense of purpose. It can really motivate you when you stop putting that burden on yourself and you start shifting it to see who you can impact.

Speaker 1:

Ask yourself the question why not me? Why not you? Embrace challenges. We're all going to have challenges in our lives, in our businesses. Embrace those challenges as opportunities for growth and ask yourself why not you?

Speaker 1:

Whenever something comes up, when you see somebody else doing something you wanna do, well, why not me? There's no reason. She can do it, I can do it, she can do it, I can do it. Why not me? Because if you look out there, there's a lot of stories where people came from nothing to something, where people came from no confidence to being extremely confident. Why not me?

Speaker 1:

And I want you to ask yourself how can I celebrate small wins along the way? People forget this. The small things really matter. Acknowledge and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it is, Because when you recognize your achievements, it's going to boost your confidence and it's going to reinforce having a positive mindset. And finally, I want you to ask yourself what if I'm wrong? All the time when a negative question arises, what if I'm wrong? Instead of what if nobody listens to me, Ask yourself well, what if I'm wrong? What if I'm wrong?

Speaker 1:

Yes, journaling and affirmations and having support is extremely important, especially in the support department, but in the moment, you can change your thoughts by simply asking yourself a more empowering question instead. You don't have to go and journal for five hours. Change your thought pattern in the moment. That's what real mindset work is. It's in the moment. That's where the shit happens. It takes practice. The moment that's where the shit happened. It takes practice.

Speaker 1:

Yes, but we want to interrupt the negative thought patterns, to start shifting our minds. And remember overcoming fear and imposter syndrome. It's not about eliminating these feelings entirely. You'll still have them at points in your business, in your life. You'll have them at every level. I hear this all the time. But instead, learning to navigate them effectively and knowing how to radically shift them is the key. That's the difference between somebody being stuck forever and somebody being super successful because they know and have learned how to radically shift these patterns. It's the key to success. So by asking yourself the right questions, you can really shift your perspective, build your confidence and empower yourself to really move forward and achieve the goals that you really want. But you've got to embrace the process. You've got to take the time to do it. You've got to step back when you're in the moment and do these things.